A video tracker analyzes video image sequences from a sensor system (one or more cameras), mounted on a servo controlled pedestal (platform) to keep the camera pointing at the nominated person or object.
The CHARM-70 and CHARM-80 boards are a standalone video tracker boards of dimensions just a little larger than a business or credit card. Various connectors allow for direct connection to standard industry video and data interfaces. Remote operation is available as an option with control and video data being streamed over the LAN.
RS232; RS422/485; USB2.0; GPIO; 10/100/1000 Ethernet; SATA
Two Analog Camera inputs
One Digital video input
One or two video outputs
5V-36 VDC (7 watts)
Operating temperature -40C to +70C
Passive heat sink available
More information.
The CHARM-70 and CHARM-80 boards are a standalone video tracker boards of dimensions just a little larger than a business or credit card. Various connectors allow for direct connection to standard industry video and data interfaces. Remote operation is available as an option with control and video data being streamed over the LAN.
RS232; RS422/485; USB2.0; GPIO; 10/100/1000 Ethernet; SATA
Two Analog Camera inputs
One Digital video input
One or two video outputs
5V-36 VDC (7 watts)
Operating temperature -40C to +70C
Passive heat sink available
More information.